
Campaign copy

Define what fun looks like for your campaign,

with an agreed core message that your team

can action consistently and confidently.

Whether you’re doing a seasonal campaign, a product launch, or a third thing that I can’t think of right now, the goal of any campaign is to make your brand synonymous with a particular message. But when you’re creating a campaign that hinges on fun, how do you make sure you maintain that consistent messaging with activations and touchpoints that still feel fun and engaging? 

I don’t know… 

Lol just kidding, you get me to write your golden campaign copy for you.

Golden campaign copy is essentially the top line message for your campaign. In a paragraph or two, you communicate the core message of this campaign, why it matters, and the behaviour you want to evoke in your audience.

When it comes to executing your campaign, all your team needs to do is chunk up the various elements of your golden copy and bring it to life. The result? Consistent campaign copy that’s clearly dialled into the core message. 

Give your team creative confidence to execute a fun-filled campaign, with an agreed upon, core message that all your content clearly ladders back to.

What is this?



Fun-Focused Ideation Workshop

During your campaign ideation timeframe, I’ll come on down to visit your team and lead a golden copy workshop. Together we’ll hash out exactly what message your campaign is driven by, and how fun is threaded throughout this. 

Your Campaign Copy

Once our workshop is wrapped up, I’ll write up what we discussed and send your golden campaign copy back to you, including: 

  • Summary of the campaign 

  • The golden copy itself 

  • Examples of this golden copy being broken up, and chunked down into different elements 

is this right for us?

This package is perfect for brands who have:

  • A medium-to-long term campaign that needs consistently fun messaging threaded throughout it.

  • An uber talented creative team who just need some clear-cut guidelines in order to go and do what they do best.

How it works

  • 1. let's chat

    Fill out my quick contact form telling me all about your business and your campaign. Once you've done that, I'll schedule in a free 30 minute meeting where we can talk more about your campaign goals, why fun is so important to it, and how I can help.

  • 2. Pre-workshop prep

    Before our workshop, I’ll do a deep dive into your brand, your previous campaigns, and your audience interests and preferences.

  • 3. Your ideation workshop

    I’ll come to a location of your choosing for a full day workshop where we’ll hash out exactly what your golden campaign copy is. We’ll leave the room with an agreed core message for your campaign, and how we’re going to make it fun for your audience. 

  • 4. I write your handbook

    You get your golden campaign copy written up in full, with guidance on how you actually use it throughout your campaign.