Your Fun

Brand Handbook

Create with confidence, with guidelines that tell you

how to bring fun to your brand.

Everyone loves the idea of being the fun business. But without clarity on what fun means for your audience and your brand, your fun content probably consists of sharing a cringey and out of touch meme every once in a while, or maybe jumping on a viral trend just for the sake of it.

When it’s done well, fun copy can show your audience just how well you understand them, and add an authentic, human side to your brand personality.

But without the right clarity or guidance on what fun means for your brand and your audience, the best you can hope for is glaringly inauthentic copy that’s had fun painfully shoehorned into it.

To be known as that fun business, you just need a consistent and reliable framework that your team can use whenever you need to make content. From now, and forever, amen. 

Creating fun &

on brand copy

should feel…


Demystify how to bring

fun to your brand

Your Fun Brand Handbook is the depth tone of voice guidelines the clarify:

  • What your definition of fun is

  • What fun means to your customers

  • How to create it

  • When to create it

Your handbook will be like the Fun Bible for your content and marketing teams, or anyone who needs to write words on behalf of your business.

  What’s in the handbook?

Depending on the size of your budget, teams and thirst for fun, I offer different handbook packages, each built to fit your team.


Lighter guidance that your team can touch base with to keep your branded content on track. Perfect for smaller teams who live and breathe your brand values, but just need a nudge in the right direction when it comes to fun.

Your mini handbook includes: 

  • What your definition of fun is 

  • The value that you communicate to your audience 

  • Your audience and what fun does and doesn’t mean to them

  • What your fun looks like in action


More in-depth guidelines that bigger teams can use across different content formats and scenarios. Ideal for growing brands who want to maintain their fun-feeling as they progress. 

You midi handbook includes: 

  • Everything included in the mini, as well as

  • What fun ISN’T to you and your audience

  • How to have fun: Our top level fun messages 

  • How we use language to create our unique version of fun


The full monty. Every detail anyone in your business (whether involved in content creation or not) would need to know in order to write on-brand copy that screams your unique version of fun. 

Your maxi handbook includes:

  • Everything included in the midi, as well as

  • What fun looks like on different platforms 

  • What fun looks like in different copy formats

  • How we have fun in different scenarios

How it works

  • 1. let's chat

    Fill out my quick contact form telling me all about your business and your campaign. Once you've done that, I'll schedule in a free 30 minute meeting where we can have a bit of a DMC about why your brand voice just doesn’t feel fun any more.

  • 2. Pre-workshop prep

    Before we hash out the details in person during your fun-focused workshop, I’ll take a bit of a deep dive into your brand, your audience and your competitors to create a tailored plan of action.

  • 3. Your fun workshop

    I’ll come to you for a full day meeting with your content teams. We’ll work through what the main challenges to your fun are, and work out together what fun means to you and your brand.

  • 4. I write your handbook

    I go away for a bit, then come back again with your fun handbook all nicely written up into an easy to read guide. I’ll then present these back to you with 3 rounds of amends.