Stand Out

Web Copy

Take the snoozin’ out of website perusin’

Website copy that nails your unique definition of fun and communicates the important details of what you do (without a single yawn in sight).

How do you

want your

shop window

to feel? 

We’ve all heard the comparison between your business’ website and shop window. 

And it’s true, your website has a big job to do to pull people in and get them to find out more about what you do. 

You can choose how you want to dress your shop window: 

  1. Dull and dusty. 

  2. Garish, and full of cringey sales people that creep out your customers with bad jokes. 

  3. A space that’s genuinely fun to hang out in, and makes your audience want to find out more about you. 

You picked 3, didn’t you? 

(I’m inside your mind) 

My promise to you

(pinky n’ all)

Genuinely fun web copy that: 

  • Feels exciting to read

  • Communicates how you add oodles of value to your target audience 

  • Is authentic and human

Without the: 

  • Cringe 

  • Icks 

  • Generic corporate buzzwords (shudder)

Oooh did I mention, I’ll also throw in some mini fun guidelines for your brand too.

Not only will this help me write copy that’s the right kind of fun for your brand and your audience, but you’ll be able to use these in the long term to create your own assets in a way that’s consistent with your definition of fun. 

How it works

  • 1. Send an S.O.S.

    Tell me all about your web copy, and why it’s not currently sparking joy. I'll dig up some juicy deets to create a tailored plan of action for bringing fun back to your web copy.

  • 2. Your fun Workshop

    During this meaty little stage, I’ll take a deep dive into your definition of fun, and how we can translate this through your web copy.

  • 3. Brand discovery

    With your definition of fun nailed, we'll then focus on untangling the core messages that need communicating through your website.

  • 4. Your web copy, ready to do its thang!

    Once I’ve written up your content, I allow for two rounds of feedback. After that it’s all yours!